Diving gets in the way...

all that fb fuss, this blog, the ambitious project of the web site... everything was already hard and overwhelming when at home without calls...

now I also have been diving, teaching, taking pictures in the pool...

all this wet stuff gets in the way...

oh well, means that it will take longer (years instead of months perhaps???)
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The more I look at it...



the more I look around for inspiration, the more a grow frustrated as my brainchild is so skinny and simple and still lacking of so much content....

need a crash course on blog design and html code...

the inspiring picture with a blast of colors will hopefully sort the effect....
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Back on FB

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Phuket Wan article, readers comments

PLEASE scroll down for a "sweet treat", bottom of the page check Editor comment

on Monday May 10 2010,

an article on jellyfish boom and coral bleaching around the coasts of Phuket and the entire Thai region was published on Phuket Wan (direct link at bottom of the page).

In the previous days, due to my jellyfish photos posted on facebook, I've been contacted by the editor to discuss about the rising temperature of the Andaman sea, the increase of number of jellyfish in the area and coral bleaching... I eventually provided some pictures too...

here is the full article for you to read:

BLEACHING has whitened 90 percent of Phuket's and Thailand's coral reefs amid alarm over an unusually late hot season that has marine biologists concerned. 

Divers confirm the widespread bleaching, as well as the presence of increasing numbers of jellyfish. 

Niphon Phongsuwan, the coral reef specialist at the Phuket Marine Biology Centre, said reefs in both the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand had begun the bleaching process in the first week of April, as sea temperatures remained unusually high.

'The key temperature is 30.1 degrees,'' he said. ''Unless the temperature drops from there, bleaching begins, and continues until the sea grows cooler.''

Diver and underwater photographer Adriano 'Wetpixel' Trapani, CEO of Dive Clan Co, confirmed that sea temperatures had remained high, triggering concerns about the coral.

''It is alarming, but I wouldn't be too concerned,'' Mr Trapani said. ''A similar event bleached coral in the Maldives a few years ago and the reefs there have returned to normal. It's a cyclical thing, probably caused by the El Nino phenomenon.

''At first we thought it might just be patches of coral that had been destroyed by the crown of thorns starfish, but now we know differently because the bleaching is so even.

''I was here for the tsunami when some reefs were damaged but now they are back the way they were.'' He said the larger threats to the reefs remained over-diving and exploitation.

Khun Niphon said coral bleaching occurred on Phuket's reefs between 1991 and 1995. ''In that time, there was less cloud protection from the sun and so quite a bit of coral died,'' he said. From 2003 to 2005, a less damaging cycle occurred, but the coral survived.

''Bleaching does not mean death for the coral, provided the monsoons come in time,'' he said. ''Coral lives on, and recovers, as long as the sun does not become too intense for too long.''

No area around Phuket had escaped bleaching, Khun Niphon said. With concern growing about long-term global warming, Khun Niphon is researching which types of coral are most resistant to bleaching so that the hardiest kinds of coral can be encouraged in future.

While the event could be coincidental, Mr Trapani said he had noticed an increasing number of jellyfish in waters near Phi Phi island, between Phuket and Coral Island, on the way to Raya island and in Chalong Bay, on Phuket. The jellyfish were capable of inflicting a mild sting, like sunburn, but not dangerous.

A spokesman for Phuket's weather bureau said that the monsoon usually came soon after the Songkran Festival of mid-April, but this year, extending into May, Phuket and southern Thailand had yet to see the heat break.

The spokesman preferred not to give his name, and said he had no idea why the monsoon was so late this year.

The bureau does not analyse year-on-year statistics and is therefore unable to give detailed information about possible future trends.

There is no way of knowing when the extended spell of heat will break this year.


some comments were posted by readers (obviously)...

one above all got my attention:

I can find no evidence of Dive Clan Co Ltd on the Internet and as I am a published semi pro underwater photographer and member of Wetpixel.com. I can find no evidence to backup Mr Adriano on wetpixel.

I was on a boat in the Similan islands when the tsunami hit. If you would like to know then email me. I remember the sites before and can still see the damage, but it's regenerating really quick on some dive sites.

I like your site but please get better informed/knowledgeable people in their specialist area, not some dive guy who comes here for a few months every year.

Keep up the quality work.

Editor: We'd heard the diving industry was ferociously competitive. Now we know it's true. Thanks, but we believe the official survey after the tsunami got it right in reporting that about 10 percent of corals had been seriously damaged, mostly reefs in narrow stretches between islands in the Similans.
Posted by John on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 01:59


THIS is my answer (please note the EDITOR comment at the end!!!):

I've just noticed the comment Posted by John on Tuesday May 11, 2010 at 01:59...

First of all Dive Clan is a registered and fully functioning (yet small) dive business in Phuket. No website yet (is it the requirement to make it official to you John?).

For those living in Thailand should be a no brainer to know that there are thousands of registered tiny companies without a website...

anyway, lets move on...

The fact that among my nicknames I've been given by friends that of "wetpixel", doesn't necessarily mean I HAVE to be a member of that specific community... John, do you have any idea of how many UW photography website are out there???

Lastly, regarding your "I like your site but please get better informed/knowledgeable people in their specialist area, not some dive guy who comes here for a few months every year.":

I've been living and working in Phuket for the last 6 years continuously, I might be a rookie compared to a "similan god" like you (still to be verified as I know your name only and no other contacts details) YET, I didn't brag about it, I didn't contact Phuketwan and so on... THEY called me after I published some jellyfish pictures on Facebook! They called, I answered to the best of my knowledge!

All the best to you, to Phuket and to our beloved Similan...

Editor: Good to have your response, Adriano. There are some people who are always looking down, even though they are at 200 metres and still sinking. Happy to have your contributions any time.
Posted by Adriano on Wednesday June 23, 2010 at 08:43


is that all? who knows, maybe John will answer back...

anyway, this is the direct link to Phuket Wan for those of you who want to check all responses...

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Blast from my past!

yesterday I started going back down "memory lane"... among the places I've visited and the people I've met, Amsterdam on Queen's day (every april 30th) has a special place in my heart...

orange everywhere , people everywhere, parties everywhere, tons of boats in the canals... absolutely unbelievable!!!

CHECK out some Video feed:



From www.amsterdam.info/queensday

Queen's Day in Amsterdam

Queen's Day (in Dutch: Koninginnedag) in Amsterdam is a unique night and day carnival-like event on 30th of April each year and during the night before – so called Queen's Night (in Dutch: Koninginnenacht). What is special about the Queen's Day, that having elements of the huge party across the whole city, it is combined with the market in the streets of the whole city (in Dutch: Vrijmarkt).
Queen's Day in Amsterdam attracts each year ca 700 thousands visitors, which makes the city crowded beyond any acceptable norms. Despite overcrowding, the atmosphere on Queen's Day is traditionally relaxed and joyful. Usually mild, not too hot weather makes the Queen's Day the day to be in Amsterdam. To feel the atmosphere on the day please watch this videos:

The Queen's Day is celebrated in the whole Netherlands since more than fifty years. Amsterdam celebrations are the most attractive. Last years the popularity of the event grows drawing crowd of visitors from all over Europe.
As the large part of the Amsterdam centre is fully filled with the celebrating crowd, no transport is possible there, you will have to walk. No cars are allowed on the Queen’s Day to the Amsterdam centre. All public means of transportation, including trains, have a special schedule for this day.
The quarter of Jordan is the most crowded on the Queen's Day, not only with traders, food stands and beer taps but also with large groups of people singing traditional Dutch songs. These are simple, rhythmic songs mostly describing the beauty of Amsterdam. While you might not be able to follow the words, the atmosphere is always unique, friendly, relaxed. Enjoy it!

All clubs in Amsterdam organize parties on this day. In many parts of the city, speakers with loud music are put out on the street and improvised parties take place. It is natural to join them, even if you do not know the participants.

The boats full of dancing people circulate Amsterdam canals. You may observe most of them on the Prinsengracht, in front of the Anne Frank's House. Many boats have own, amplified music and are in fact sailing parties.....
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Youtube Part 2

it looks like there is a feature in blogger that allows reader to view youtube videos without leaving the blog...

I've added that "gadget", set the channel (napokapo, what else?) and in the preview gives me the 4 videos posted in that channel...

easy peasy html you'd say...

saved everything, posted on the blog, signed out from editing, checked the blog as a john doe user and... random youtube videos are displayed... grrrrrr!!! is it a matter of "delay sync" or what???

I'll investigate....

but I guess I'll need to just sit and wait....

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UW Fashion Phuket Tourism Promo

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I feel so touched!

some of my hardcore fans (yes I do have fans, you gotta problem widdaht?) are making pages on fb as an appeal to get my account restored!

remember my very first post on this blog? it was about me without access to fb


anyway, I doubt it will work as they are tiny specs in an ocean of pages and mails... yet the thought is brilliant and very touching....

this is one of the picture they posted with the appeal in several languages....

at the same time, still on fb, my n.1 partner/supporter/fan has set up a page to promote the Underwater Fashion project, note that on already printed promotional material there's a reference to fb....

so this page was vital!!! THANKS Kaye! you really are my one and only pool gangster!!!

gimme time, once the website and the blog will be ultimated (couple of week or so), I'll make my come back to the mass.... and it will be unlimited wetpixel for ALL!!!
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well, we all know that Dr. Rossi broke his leg...

he's recovering fast...

but it will take a while before getting back on his M1...

I don't really find any interest in the race, given that I haven't picked a substitute yet... I just want Valenino back!!!
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little set-back???

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Wbsite growing!

more fix:

homepage sort-of-final-version with all text consistent and all the links properly redirecting to other html pages.

so homepage is OK

Home Page

other page full of content (not void anymore) is my bio/contact page

bio/contact page

where, my bio is on, the template to send me mail is up and running and there is also a link to this blog...

2 pages down (home & bio), 4 more to go (Fashion, UWpix, dry pixel, manipulations)...

it's a long way if you wanna make it to the top...
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Rooney & FIFA 2010

so at the end of the match with Algeria,  rooney complains on YOUTUBE

poor guy...

poor Rooney,

it must be awful when you get your own fans against you....
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FLASH fixed!

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Vuvuzela! ---> blog 0.1.3


the "soundtrack" noise of the FIFA worldcup!

even on my website! click here:     wetpixel vuvuzela sound

this will surely make my whole project step into the 0.1.3 version!!!

noise ROCKS!!!

and look what I've found on youtube! the famous hitler scene, this time he's complaining about the vuvuzelas and his new TV sorround system... simply GREAT!!! 253k hits!!!

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Website in FLASH

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Blogger 0.1.2


not only added links to my FLASH website


but now there are also links to easydaythailand pages dedicated to my underwater photography courses and my signature glam fab project "UnderWater FASHION™"


and one more link at the bottom of the blog to the underwater photo courses     http://www.easydaythailand.com/adriano-trapani-underwater-photography-course.php
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here's the link to the website! another early stage...

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working on version 0.0.3

Blog in progress...

as usual, I'm a bi-polar with attention deficit disorder... this blog is still at the early stage and I'm already working on a "portfolio" web site to run in parallel... truth is that blog is cool but I need galleries...

so, instead of working on version 0.0.3, I'm getting lost (again!) in all the layout, buttons and links of the website... it could mean that I could directly jump to version 0.1! very ambitious...

stay tuned for updates!
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adriano's blog version 0.0.2

as a tiny improvement from the birth of my blog (let's call it version 0.0.1), I managed to post some posts (I know, it sounds awful), some with pictures

like this one I'm now writing as I'm adding this picture!

another post with pictures was one of my first posts earlier today

can you post a previous post in a post? let's find out...


oh yes I can! that was the link to my previous post on this very same blog... I know... I know... getting my head around this blog thing is causing severe damages...

anyway, some other posts with links to:

that is just a logo, clicking on it won't take you to youtube...

And that's about it for today, for my blog and for its 0.0.2 version, looking forward to improve it to 0.0.3
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similan trip in february with lots of nice encounters...

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Giant Manta & a Whale Shark - april 2010

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one of my underwater videos on you tube!

click here for the video!!!

how can you forget such a close encounter????

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some of my underwater pictures

click here to see some of my favorite ones


PS: another post, my little creature is growing...

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Birth of my photoblog

More than a week without facebook: 9 days to be precise and, quite frankly, I've stopped counting about 3 days after (I had to count again for this post!).

At first I thought it would have been as hard as quit smoking, note that I'm a smoker and I tried several times in the past to quit, I can proudly say that I've just successfully managed to "quit-quitting"!!!

Anyway, life goes on... the few TRUE contacts among the over 12 hundreds I have have already mailed me, called me and even skyped me to keep in touch and it is not so bad after all...

I've always knew about blogs but I have been lazy in opting out from fb or even have one running in parallel... although I can live without it, I'm now "forced" to have one in order to leave my mark in the web...

so this is the first post in my blog, something in the "embrio" phase, say beta (even less than that!!!) version...

more to come... or not?

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Adriano's photo & pixel addiction Design by Insight © 2009